In the rush of a fast-paced (and occasionally fast-food) world, the best of us can forget to slow down and smell the tomatoes. To counteract this chaos, we turn to
Slow Food, an international organization dedicated to defending local food traditions, preserving
food biodiversity, and promoting quality artisanal products.
Activist Carlo Petrini started the grass-roots movement in 1989 to counteract the sweeping fast-food epidemic across Italy, which was leading to the fading of local food traditions and a dwindling interest in food and where it comes from, how it tastes, and how our food choices affect the rest of the world. To emphasize this importance, Slow Food’s Presidia work with small-scale producers to save endangered, traditional food products from extinction.
Eataly’s relationship with Slow Food began in 2003, before our first store even opened. Founder Oscar Farinetti began forging partnerships with small-scale producers in each of Italy’s 20 regions and realized the importance of the Slow Food-protected products.

More than a decade later, Eataly continues to work with Slow Food, striving to promote our shared goals:
1. SUPPORT small-scale producers who create high-quality food and drink, which then…
2. GUARANTEES products that are “good, clean, and fair,” Slow Food’s slogan, allowing Eataly to…
3. SELL this high-quality food and drink at reasonable prices to consumers who want to eat better and live better (i.e. you!).
When you eat and drink at Eataly, we promise that you will eat food that is good, clean, and available at fair prices. We support small producers who use whole, healthy ingredients in Italy and the United States, from the miller in update New York who provides the grain for our freshly-baked bread to the family-run Umbrian olive farm that offers us genuine extra virgin olive oil. As you learn the story behind these products, you will feel proud of what you are consuming – which we guarantee will be delicious.